Saturday 4 June 2011

Test Your Semen Knowledge

Whether it's your friend or your foe, my guess is that you're pretty familiar with semen.  Or are you?  How much do you really know about that white stuff? Test your knowledge with some trivia.

Trivia Questions

1. It is thought that semen acts as an antidepressant for both women and men who are receivers of it.

2. Semen does not cause allergic reactions.

3. If semen is discolored, that can happen sometimes and it's not serious.

4. You can cook with semen.

5. Swallowing semen can make you fat.

Trivia Answers

1. Partly True.  A study suggests that semen acts as an antidepressant in women.  So ladies, if you're into natural remedies for depression, semen may be it.  However, the effect on male receivers is not known.

2. False.  Although rare, some people experience an allergic reaction called human seminal plasma hypersensitivity.  The condition includes symptoms such as itching, redness and swelling within 30 minutes of exposure.  Repeated exposure to semen may get rid of the condition.  If not, seek medical attention.

3. Depends.  Although the color of semen can vary based on things like age and diet, there may be conditions that will require a doctor's attention if the condition lasts longer than three or four weeks.

4. True.  The cookbook "Natural Harvest - A Collection of Semen-Based Recipes" can get you started!  But be sure to warn your house guests first.

5. False - Semen ejaculate contains 5 to 25 calories - not fattening.

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